Have you ever wondered how the bodybuilders build that bulk of muscles when professional weight lifters and champions don’t? Lifting heavy weights repeatedly in a short period will increase muscle bulk, whereas raising the same and holding for some time doesn’t. That’s the scientific explanation to the question. But is it that fast to get such massive bulk of muscles in a short period with steroids? The answer is no.
Many of the bodybuilders take years of controlled diet and hardship exercises to build the bulk. But most of the others use steroids or other illegal forms for the same.
What are they?
Anabolic steroids, aka anabolic androgenic steroids, are hormonal drugs that can induce muscle growth and body tissue repair faster. If you break down the name, it is self-explanatory. The term anabolism means building, and androgenic refers to male hormones or their effects. Any hormone that induces the production of any male features is referred to as anabolic-androgenic steroids.
Usually, the hormone is developed in the body to attain puberty. It is the reason for all the pubertal changes in males, including the muscle developments, hoarseness and depth of voice, and other minor sexual characters, including internal organ development. Even when used for medical purposes, it starts at the lowest dose to make the body adjust to the hormonal changes, slightly increase the dosage, and finally narrow down the dosage to prevent addiction. Medically these steroids are used in severe conditions to reduce inflammation and induce repair of tissues.
How fast do steroids work to build muscle?
Steroids available as pills to take by the oral route, injections to use intramuscularly, gels or creams to ingest via the skin. The muscle building steroids are usually available in the first two forms. The fastest steroid can start its action in as low as four days, and on average, the most widely used drugs begin to show effects from the third or fourth week of use.
Are there any legal anabolic steroids?
All steroids are legal for medical purposes, whereas none are legal to use for any other purposes. The drugs’ side effects are too intense that it can cause severe permanent damage to the body, which are life threatening. The changes include increasing the size of the heart, liver, kidney, and other organs. The use of the drugs after puberty can cause neoplasm or tumor to the respective organs.
Even though these drugs are illegal, many legal alternatives mimic the drug’s certain specific effects, like improved muscle development and bone strength.
What is the best legal steroid?
There are no legal steroids available for bodybuilding. However, natural alternatives for muscle building are entirely legal and requires no prescription for use. Many of them are equally as effective as their synthetic counterparts. For example, DBulk that mimics the effects of Dianabol and ABulk that mimic Anadrol is the refined safe counterparts that provide equal effects on muscles without side effects on other parts or organ systems.
What is the most powerful steroid?
Dianabol, Trenbolone, Anadrol, Sustanon, and Clenbuterol are equally potent steroids as their own. But the usage of these at a later age than puberty leads to terrible damages, most commonly cancer.
Is there a safe steroid for muscle building?
There are no safe steroids for muscle building; however, the herbal base’s steroid alternatives are safe. They are commonly being used all around the world for faster muscle growth and bone strengthening. No countries have banned or illegalized any of the products. The effects are refined, effective only to specific parts or tissues of the body.
What supplement is the closest thing to steroids?
Several steroid alternatives are available in the market for bodybuilding. The best among them are the natural derivatives made from plants and roots. They are safe, legal, no injections required, no side effects to anticipate, and rapid results like their original counterparts.
Here we are discussing few best natural alternatives of anabolic-androgenic steroids.
When more than one steroid or its supplement is used, it is called stacking. Stacks are a commonly followed technique for faster results. The following products can be stacked and used together for better and faster results without side effects or can be used individually too depending on what your motive is.
Hence, some of the most common and herbal alternatives to illegal steroids are:
No.#1: DBulk (Dianabol Alternative)
Bulking with muscles is more difficult to achieve than burning the fat. It requires immense determination, extreme control of food, advanced focus on exercises, and uncompromising patience.
This new product has secured its place in the top-selling bulking products as a natural alternative to the steroid Dianabol. The company is confident that the supplement works as much as the original steroid for muscle growth. The natural formula of the product is easy to use and has no side effects. Continuous usage of the item gives you the bulk of muscles and helps to recover from muscle soreness which you might often feel after weight training. It is one of the best muscle recovery supplements on the market.
Methandrostenolone, aka Dianabol, is the most popular steroid among bodybuilders. As a natural product DBulk, it is safe to use without side effects and for faster results. If you want to build muscle now, this is the best product you should use.
Why DBulk?
It has a unique formula to help you if you want to push more weight to get the muscle mass faster—the products aid in building the muscles more quickly than usual. The lean muscles formed with the effect of the product will have no fat. The rise in testosterone level due to its impact on the body helps build your body faster and recover your muscles easier.
Ingredient | Amount per serving |
Vitamin D3 Methylsulfonylmethane L-Leucine Suma powder Ashwagandha Puncture Vine Sodium Hyaluronate | 7.5 mcg 800 mg 300 mg 200 mg 200 mg 75 mg 30 mg |
Each of the ingredients affects the body differently. On combining all the effects, it acts as the equivalent of Dianabol. That is how the supplement replaces the single steroid with these different yet powerful ingredients.
- Vitamin D3: It is the active form of the vitamin, also known as cholecalciferol. This micronutrient is essential for building up strong bones for the muscles to attach and grow. It promotes the absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract. The calcium is then used for strengthening bones.
- Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM): This element is crucial for the body after work out. Many professional athletes take MSM tablets to maintain their body health. It reduces joint pains, lowers swellings and inflammations, controls any allergic symptoms, and enables speedy recovery. Studies have proved that the component can boost the immune system to keep you stay healthy.
- L-Leucine: It is an essential amino acid that is basic in nature and helps in organ detoxification. The component also helps in the fat burning process by controlling the absorption of fat from the intestines.
- Suma powder: The ingredient is an extract from the roots of the Pfaffia paniculata plant. It is one of the most crucial elements in the supplement that helps produce the effect of steroids. It is a traditional medicinal ingredient for many purposes. It improves the production of the male hormone, which is vital for muscle growth.
- Ashwagandha: This is a medicinal plant widely used in Ayurvedic medicine. Though most commonly used as a stress reliever and anxiety controller, its extended use to boost testosterone is beneficial in this supplement. It also helps to control the blood sugar and inflammation as added benefits.
- Puncture vine: The fruit covered with sharp spines produced by the Tribulus plant can puncture the surfaces if thrown at and hence the name. The fruit leaves and roots are widely used as medicine. The extract of the fruit can boost the production of certain hormones, including testosterone. The supplement selectively included the fruit extract for the same.
- Sodium hyaluronate: It is a polysaccharide component for skin treatments. It can improve the skin by making the skin look younger and reducing the wrinkles in fat loss areas during the heavy work out at the gym.
Most of the product’s ingredients are used in the ayurvedic treatment and proven effective with scientific proof.
The product comes with a tempting 100 days money-back guarantee if, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the product.
Product Name | DBulk |
Developed by | Brutal Force |
Steroid alternative | Dianabol |
Serving size | 3 veggie capsules |
Serving per container | 30 servings that are 90 capsules |
Price | $59.99 |
Where to Buy? | Visit DBulk Official Website to Buy Legal Dianabol at Discounted Price. |
No. #2: Testogen (Testosterone Booster, Sustanon 250 Alternative)
As the name suggests, the product is a testosterone generator. The hormone accelerates the rate of metabolism, development of muscles, and a raging libido. It is one of the top testosterone boosters in the market.
Development of muscle is significant along with the improved blood rush all over your body for heavy workouts and weight liftings. This product is an easy way to build your body without using any harmful chemicals or steroids.
The supplement has one hundred percent natural ingredients. The product manufacturer completely avoids the harmful effects that might be caused by synthetic chemicals by selectively using plant products. Therefore, the product is entirely safe for use.
How does testosterone boost act on your body?
The chances of exhaustion are common among bodybuilders because they use heavy lifting frequently, which takes lots of energy, and they often feel clumsy. The hormone pumps blood to all parts of the body. With improved blood circulation, the chances for you to get exhausted faster diminishes, you will be focused on the workout for longer than usual.
It has eleven natural ingredients for boosting testosterone production in your body. All these elements have been in use for a long term in different ancient treatment methods.
- D-aspartic acid
- Magnesium
- Vitamins (D3, K1, B6)
- Nettle leaf extract
- Korean red ginseng extract
- Fenugreek extract
- Zinc
- Boron
- BioPerine
Each ingredient is vital for the combined effect of the product to mimic steroid drugs. Some elements like boron are included only in micro quantities to ensure the bone-strengthening and avoid any side effects that it may cause.
- D-aspartic acid: The amino acid does not affect fat control directly. It controls and limits the feeling of tiredness and improves athletic performance. These, in turn, helps to focus on the workout. Its other effects on the body include increasing muscle fibers’ size and strength, the first thing in mind when thinking about bulking.
- Vitamins: The supplement has three important vitamin groups, among which D3 and K1 are fat-soluble, and the B6 is water-soluble. The fat-soluble elements get dissolved in the fat and start their action at the sites of attachments. Vitamin D3 acts at the junction of muscles and tendons for muscles’ firm attachment to the bones. K1 is a vital vitamin to control the stretch marks on the fast expansion of muscles. When the expanded fibers in the skin start inflammation, the vitamin comes to act and prevent stretch marks formation. Pyridoxine, aka Vitamin B6, is essential for the production of hemoglobin in the blood. The improved healthy blood cells help in healthy oxygen distribution to all parts of the body and decelerate tiredness.
- Nettle leaf extract: The extract from the stinging plant is an excellent natural anti-inflammatory remedy. The more exercise you do, the more chances for soreness of muscles arise. This ingredient helps to regain your health faster and get back to the gym without delay if you regularly use it.
- Korean red ginseng extract: The plant being used in both Chinese and Korean traditional medicine for ages. It is a wellness medicine in both medicine traditions. It helps to control mental stress and physical diseases by boosting the immune system.
- Fenugreek extract: It is a testosterone booster in the supplement. It lowers the blood sugar levels, reduces blood cholesterol, lowers inflammation, controls the appetite, and boosts testosterone. The changes in blood sugar level and cholesterol level are expected in the first few months of massive workouts. The element is much useful at the beginning as well.
- BioPerine: This element plays a crucial role in managing the fat in your body. It is an enzyme that controls the metabolism rate of nutritional substances. At the intestinal lining for the absorption of elements, it acts and moderates the amino acid transport. It plays a vital role in the supplement by controlling nutrients’ metabolism and managing the amino acid actions at the absorption site.
- Zinc and Boron: Zinc improves the functions of different organs, including skin, eyes, and heart. The health of the organs is essential when the workout turns heavy and requires more care. Boron is available in very minute quantities to strengthen bones and reduce chances for any related bone disease due to heavy mechanical stress to the bones.
The supplement does not provide testosterone to your body. It is not another form of the hormone either. The combination of herbs and extracts helps to promote the production of natural hormones n the body. Produced in FDA approved factories, it is 100 percent safe to use. The company also offers a full refund warranty if you are not satisfied with the product.
Product Name | Testogen |
Developed by | MuscleClub Ltd |
Steroid alternative | Dianabol |
Serving size | 4 capsules |
Serving per container | 30 |
Price | $59.99 per 120 capsules |
Where to Buy? | Visit Testogen Official Website to Buy this Testosterone Booster at Discounted Price |
No.#3: CCut (Clenbuterol Alternative)
It is an herbal combination as an alternative for Clenbuterol. The collective effects of various ingredients in the mix mimic the performance-enhancing and thermogenic actions of the steroid. It acts as an essential tool in cutting fat from your body. On using the product, you can continue your work out like before and need no more resort to steroids.
Clenbuterol is a beta-2-agonist drug used for the dilatation of bronchial muscles. The dilated bronchial muscle enhances respiration and helps the body with improved oxygen availability for its improved metabolism and other actions. The athletes most commonly use it for maintaining their slim athletic body by controlling the absorbed fat from the food they eat.
The drug is traceable in urine till up to 7 days of administration. Therefore, professionals use herbal supplements to mimic its action. The maximal strength increases significantly in its activity. However, the drug can reduce the exercise duration by enabling you to do the same workout in less time andwith more boost in energy.
All the ingredients are 100% natural and safe products.
Ingredients | Amount per serving |
Vitamin B3 Garcinia cambogia Bitter Orange Guarana Griffonia | 63mg 450 mg 450 mg 342 mg 75 mg |
- Vitamin B3: The vitamin helps in the conversion of fat to energy. For effective cutting off fat from the body and attaining an athletic body, fat metabolism is essential. An improved rate of metabolism is an acceleration of the burning process. It also plays a vital role in maintaining High Density lipoproteins (HDL), aka good cholesterol, and Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL), aka bad cholesterol. This balance is essential in maintaining cardiovascular health.
- Garcinia cambogia: The extract of the plant is famous for its 50 percent hydroxycitric acid content. The key content helps to burn fat faster and maintain the integrity of lean muscles. Along with its slimming effect, the plant extract also helps to improve the stamina to focus on the exercises.
- Bitter Orange: The extract is one of the most common herbal components among the fat cutting supplements. It is mostly known by the name Seville orange or synephrine. It is very effective against obesity and abdominal fat cutting, and the component is one you should consider when thinking of leaning. It gives the best results in food supplements when integrated with caffeine, like in CCut.
- Guarana: The seed extract of Paullinia cupana Kunth is used in the mixture as guarana. It contains 22 percent caffeine, which helps elevate your mood, improve focus, and stimulate the brain for other activities. The amount of caffeine per serving is equal to that in one cup of coffee. Its function is not limited to physical and mental stimulation but supports other ingredients like bitter orange to get the maximum effect.
- Griffonia: These are seed extracts that act as a mild stimulant. The stimulation provided by the ingredient keeps the mellow elevated stimulation for a longer time. Caffeine is a potent stimulant for a short period. The users appreciate the component’s effect on the body for maintaining energy level for longer than most alternatives.
If you check each component’s actions, you will notice that the ingredient is sufficient on its own and produces a synergic effect when mixed with other elements. That is what makes this combination unique and more powerful than the most similar product available in the market for the best output.
Drug test and CCut
If you are worried about the trace elements that might show up at the drug test, you should understand that this is not an illegal drug but an all-natural product that simulates the effect of an illegal drug. The mix helps produce the single illegal component’s results through a mixture of mentioned herbal products and extracts that mimic it.
Side effects
The product, when used alone or as a stack, does not produce any side effects. It is an entirely natural product made in FDA approved facilities. The only content that might cause slight discomfort is caffeine. But the ingredient amount is equivalent to that contained in a cup of coffee. If a cup of coffee brings you headaches, you might have to consult with a doctor before start using this mix.
The company offers free express shipping and a tempting ‘results or your money back’ guarantee. They will refund the full money you paid if you are not satisfied with the product.
Product Name | CCut |
Developed by | Brutal Force |
Steroid alternative | Clenbuterol |
Serving size | 3 veggie capsules |
Serving per container | 30 servings that are 90 capsules |
Price | $59.99 |
Where to Buy? | Visit Ccut Official Website to Buy Legal Clenbuterol at Discounted Price |
No. #4: TBulk (Trenbolone Alternative)
One hundred percent safe and natural alternative for the best-known steroid of all time Trenbolone, TBulk has gained its fame for a while. For a massive increase in muscle bulk, strength, and power, this natural alternative mix should be at the top of the list you consider.
Trenbolone increases muscle growth and appetite. The remarkable effect in muscle bulking and fat burning made it one of the most commonly used drugs among bodybuilders. On the natural cycle, the hormone improves muscle growth, appetite, growth of body hair, voice change, and increased sexual desire.
It is known as a ‘hard drug’ for its renowned side effects. Night sweating, irregular sleeping cycles, increased body temperature, and sweat, and reduced vascular capacity are the most common side effect the drug might cause for careless use. Even not recommended, most commonly, body lovers use it with other steroid counterparts for faster and better results.
TBulk being one of the most potent products for bulking, it is best to use with a stack for faster and enhanced results. The advised period for using the product is 12 weeks to increase the testosterone levels to optimum progressively.
Are you looking to reduce body fat and gain great muscle mass, improved stamina, better vascularity, and physical conditioning? This is the best product recommendation available in the market now. The careful inclusion of selective ingredients ensures the best results with zero side effects.
Ingredients | Amount per serving |
Beta Sitosterol Cats claw 3,3′-Diindolylmethane Pepsin powder | 600 mg 300 mg 300 mg 75 mg |
The mixture uses significantly fewer ingredients than the alternatives of the same drug available in the market. The company has done it to make sure of the safety of the product.
- Beta Sitosterol: It is the main ingredient in the mixture by weight and importance. It helps to control the conversion of testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), reducing the availability of the usable form of the hormone for increasing muscle mass and boosting energy production. When you stack different mixtures together, it helps to increase the hormone level faster.
The more the hormone availability, the faster it will be for the muscles to progress. But the body’s inbuilt mechanism may get initiated to limit the rate of muscle growth to a lower rate. This ingredient helps for the consistent and progressive development of muscles by inhibiting the process. - Cats claw: The ingredient name is a misnomer. Extracts of the barks of Uncaria tomentosa, also known by the name Cats claw, is used in homeopathic medicine as an immunity booster. It boosts immunity and helps reduce inflammation. They are also used in cancer patients for treating mental health issues like sleep-wake disturbances, fatigue, anxiety, and depression.
- 3,3′-Diindolylmethane: Commonly knows ad DIM, the component is for improving the metabolism of testosterone. It does not produce the hormone but helps in managing the available free hormone to its best. It prevents the formation of extra fatty tissues in the chest area, preventing gynecomastia.
- Pepsin powder: The ingredient in the least qualified in the mixture is quantitatively less as it does not directly affect muscles or immune systems for progress. But the products formed by the reaction of the element in the body act on protein molecules and produce more amino acids. These amino acids act as building blocks of muscle fibers.
This product is a perfect example of how insignificant the number of components in a supplement is. The most commonly advised product among bodybuilders aids in the production of muscle tissues enhances testosterone production, guides the body to use all the available molecules of the hormone for increasing the bulk and helps repair the soreness or inflammation of the tissues by boosting the immunity. All done with just four natural components that act on the body without any adverse effects.
The company assures the product is entirely safe. The best part is you don’t require any injections to get it to work. The all-natural product has a free express shipping offer, and send it back if you don’t like the product, you will get the full money refunded.
Product Name | TBulk |
Developed by | Brutal Force |
Steroid alternative | Trenbolone |
Serving size | 3 veggie capsules |
Serving per container | 30 servings that are 90 capsules |
Price | $59.99 |
Where to Buy? | Visit TBulk Official Website to Buy Legal Trenbolone at Discounted Price |
No. #5: ABulk (Anadrol Alternative)
A product that mimics the effects of Oxymetholone (Anadrol), that’s what this is. The most potent anabolic steroid, also known by the name Anadrol, pushes the oxygen for the muscles to breathe and makes you stronger for every next rep. Its primary use is to reduce fatigue while you work out and build more muscle.
Anadrol is an anabolic steroid that enhances the oxygen affinity of the red blood cells. It helps increase the oxygen carrying capacity of blood and grabs more air to all parts of the body. The drug is a medication for the condition with reduced oxygen per unit blood, anemia, to increase the O2 carrying capacity. On overuse, it can cause nausea, vomiting, hair loss, restlessness, breast swellings, and diarrhea. Most of the people under this medication have reported two or more side effects that are very hard to control.
The supplement makes the body work like it is on the same drug but without the nasty adverse effects. Oxygen is an essential requirement for any process on the human body. Whatever the work on the body is, it needs oxygen. As it is available in the air around you, nobody talks about it much.
For building your bulk, muscles need oxygen. For cutting fat, organs need the same. To enhance the metabolism, muscle generation, improve focus, gain stamina, and every other process, every cell in your body needs it. That is how this product becomes the essential fuel for everything you are planning to do.
The affinity of red cells in the blood to carry oxygen is effectively improved without side effects by the collective impact of actions of each component in the mixture.
Ingredients | Amount per serving |
Puncture Vine Bulbine natalensis Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCl Murina puama Longjack | 600 mg 100 mg 50 mg 50 mg 50 mg |
- Puncture Vine: The fruit extract of Tribulus terrestis is the most considerable bulk of ingredients in the package. It occupies seventy percent of the contents. It improves the quality of testosterone production in your body for enhanced performance. You will lift more weight seamlessly and train heavier for longer. The functionality of the muscles gets boosted by the component and aids in all the functions.
- Bulbine natalensis: Extract of the stem from this tuber plant used among the ingredients to boost the hormone and help you heal faster. Most effective in maintaining the integrity of your skin. Inflammation, rashes, or itching that may occur due to the extensive tightening of skin will be taken care of by the ingredient in this mix.
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCl: The hydrochloric mixture of the amino acid is crucial for brain health. It reduces the post work-out fatigue. It leads the brain to use the stored energy in fat and glycogen for energy production. Producing energy from fat molecules, you will cut your fat and get an additional boost at the gym.
- Murina puama: Besides enhancing the libido, the herbal potion will improve hormonal production and activity. Its medical purpose includes traditional treatments for rheumatism and reduced control of muscles. The hormonal changes induced by the plant’s bark powder will help you get strict control over your muscles.
- Longjack: The extracts from the bark of Eurycoma longfolia enhance the muscles by improving blood flow to improve athletic performance. It does not have any effect on the production of testosterone. It enhances the blood’s affinity for oxygen and increases the blood flow to the lungs to collect air more and faster.
As an herbal product, it does not cause any side effects on use like that of the anabolic steroid Anadrol. It is completely safe for all adults. You can build your muscle bulk faster with improves oxygen supply to the muscles. The company offers a full refund if you don’t like the product with no questions asked.
Product Name | ABulk |
Developed by | Brutal Force |
Steroid alternative | Anadrol |
Serving size | 3 veggie capsules |
Serving per container | 30 servings that are 90 capsules |
Price | $59.99 |
Where to Buy? | Visit ABulk Official Website to Buy Legal Anarole at Discounted Price |
You must have noticed the mode of action of the elements in each mixture. Compared to the other products discussed, not all the components work with the hormone we are trying to increase. They work separately, supporting the enhancement of effects generated by other elements. So, you can either try the products individually or make a stack in order to emphasize on every aspect of bodybuilding.